Onkyo CP-1055F # cartridge

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Herkunft: Rom?nien
Beiträge: 6
Dabei seit: 03 / 2006

Onkyo CP-1055F # cartridge

Gepostet: 29.09.2009 - 17:05 Uhr  ·  #1

A few weeks ago a friend of mine give me an Onkyo CP 1055F turntable with an Ortofon NF15E MKII cartridge. He has a small problem and I don?t know how to fix it.

All the vibration goes to the arm and cartridge, the smallest vibration move the arm on the vinyl. The turntable fell all the vibration

What can I do?

After I will fix my vibration problems I would like to change the cartridge.

I want to chose between Denon DL 160 or DL 103, witch will be better for my tone arm?

Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Raum Pforzheim
Beiträge: 1028
Dabei seit: 11 / 2005

Re: Onkyo CP-1055F # cartridge

Gepostet: 29.09.2009 - 23:07 Uhr  ·  #2
Hi Gabriel and welcome to the Forum !

I'm not sure, if i did understand your problem correctly.

Are these problems wish the vibrations within the turntable or are these vibrations in the room?

The first important thin is to set the tracking force (and Antiskating) in a correct matter. Maybe your needle is already "dead"

If your vibration problems are caused by your room, it may be a solution to place the turntable on a solid ground or table or rack or mount it on the wall.

If your vibration problem is caused by the turntable itself, please discribe it with little more words, so we can understand it better.

The choice between the DL 160 (MC HO) and the classic DL 103 (MC low) depends on what Amp or Phonopreamp you use, because the signal of the 103er is much lower (needs MC-Input). The 160 must be connected at the MM Input.

Your Onkyo Turntable has a lighter tonearm, so the 160 will fit better to this light arm.

The 103 has a low compliance and wants (or fits better to) an middleheavy or heavy Tonearm.

I hope, you could understand my "crazy English" 😉 and i could help you a little bit.

Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Rom?nien
Beiträge: 6
Dabei seit: 03 / 2006


Gepostet: 29.10.2010 - 19:02 Uhr  ·  #3
Hi Stefan

Thanks to your advice. Still not change the cartridge, now I would like to change the stylus but I don?t find an original one, any idea?


For this model I can use the 1057 protractor?

I have a PDF file with the service manual and include also the protractor. I don?t know if the 1055f or 1057f have the same arm length or the same position in relation with the spindle.

Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Raum Pforzheim
Beiträge: 1028
Dabei seit: 11 / 2005

Re: Onkyo CP-1055F # cartridge

Gepostet: 29.10.2010 - 22:06 Uhr  ·  #4
Hello Gabriel !

I've found a protactor for your CP-1055F here:


(Don't know, if you have to be registered member and be logged in to download)

In direct comparison it's the same Protactor tham the one from the CP-1057 Manual.

Needles i found in several Internet Store and so seem still to be in stock.

For Exemple here

http://www.zum-shop.de/Ortofon…976_x2.htm (if this would be the correct type).

I don't know if you find it at your home in Romania, but I think a new needle should be found for your cartridge.

Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Rom?nien
Beiträge: 6
Dabei seit: 03 / 2006

Re: Onkyo CP-1055F # cartridge

Gepostet: 30.10.2010 - 16:13 Uhr  ·  #5
Thanks Stefan

After I wrote the message on the forum I've seen that appeared on vinylengine, protractor for my model.

I read good things about the Ortofon 2M Red, has any one experience with this cartridge?

Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Rom?nien
Beiträge: 6
Dabei seit: 03 / 2006

Re: Onkyo CP-1055F # cartridge

Gepostet: 02.11.2010 - 20:55 Uhr  ·  #6
Hi Stefan

I have a question, A friend of mine told me that he try on his Onkyo CP 1057F a lot of cartridges (Denon DL-301, DL-160, DL-103, DL-110 also from Ortofon 2MRed som Audio Tehnica) and in his opinion the best matching was a Shure M97xE.

You have any experience with this cartridge on Onkyo turntable especially with 1055F?

Best regards

Becheanu Valeriu Gabriel
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Raum Pforzheim
Beiträge: 1028
Dabei seit: 11 / 2005

Re: Onkyo CP-1055F # cartridge

Gepostet: 02.11.2010 - 22:21 Uhr  ·  #7
Hi Gabriel and sorry for my late answer!

I've never owned a turntable by Onkyo, so i'm not really able to advise you, what cartridge fits good to your CP 1055.

I also think, that it?s always a little bit trial and error or depends on your own opinion, what fits good or doesn?s. There?s no right or wrong.

The next component for the "sound" is in my opinion the Phonopre you use.

My Turntable history began with an direct driven Pioneer PL-51 equipped with a Shure V 15 III (Owned by my father)

Next one was a Thorens 318 with Ortofon OMB 15, then we changed the cartridges between these two players. (the 318 is still owned by my brother, but the Shure is unfortunately dead)

After some years only with CD Players I bought and refurbished an old Thorens 150II. First I used a new Audio Technica AT 110E for that player. The next Cartridge on the 150 was an Excel MC-100E (similar to Benz Micro MC-20E2) together with Supa Phonopre 1.9.

As a second cartridge I bought the Denon 103 with the Creek OBH9SE phonopre. These two cartridges are still in use with 2 headshells and I change from time to time.

I still like these two very much (Excel MC-100E and Denon MC 103)

One day I want to install the DL103 on the Pioneer PL-51 to change between the two recordplayers and to compare the different constructions.

Another nice part of my collection is the B&O Beogram 2000 with an MI cartridge. (see my avatar)

I can only advise you, to test what you think is good. If you find that any cartridge doesn?t fit ?good? your CP-1055, then change and sell it and try another one. Why not follow your friend and try a shure m97? Maybe he has a cartridge left for you, so you can start your "way"

Sorry, I can't answer you, you have to find "your" favorite yourself, but that's it what makes that whole thing with vinyl and turntables and cartridges soooooo exciting!

Good luck and please post here your experiences. :biggrin:

Greets Stefan

P.S. Most of the cartridges I use(d) were second hand.
Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Rom?nien
Beiträge: 6
Dabei seit: 03 / 2006

Re: Onkyo CP-1055F # cartridge

Gepostet: 03.11.2010 - 23:24 Uhr  ·  #8
Hi Stefan

After much reading on the internet I came to the same conclusion as you, if you want something you have to listen to compare and buy what you love most. I will buy from the site you gave me the original needle for Ortofon FF 15 E MKII cartridge then I'll try to find one or two headshell and install different cartridges for better comparison. I hope to find the headshell SH-21E on the Internet

I'll keep you updated on results.

Best regards

Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Raum Pforzheim
Beiträge: 1028
Dabei seit: 11 / 2005

Re: Onkyo CP-1055F # cartridge

Gepostet: 04.11.2010 - 19:57 Uhr  ·  #9
Zitat geschrieben von gabrielbecheanu
. . . I will buy from the site you gave me the original needle for Ortofon FF 15 E MKII cartridge . . .

Hello Gabriel !

Please search again in the Internet, if another store also sells the fitting needle.

I just searched for a few seconds when I made the link to the store to see, if the Needles are still available. Maybe there are several types of needles fitting to your cartridge and the Needle Quality or selection makes the difference to the whole system.

Another Problem could be, that your Problems with your turntable is not caused by a broken Nedle but by a broken cartridge.

Good luck

and I'm still interested, how the story goes on. . .

Greets Stefan
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