*** Onkyo DX-6890 or DX-6870 # What do you think about ?

Geschlecht: keine Angabe
Herkunft: Rom?nien
Beiträge: 6
Dabei seit: 03 / 2006

*** Onkyo DX-6890 or DX-6870 # What do you think about ?

Gepostet: 28.06.2006 - 10:11 Uhr  ·  #1

My name is Gabriel i am from Romania.

Recently I buy an ONKYO Amplifier A-8870 black and I am very pleased about the sound, but I use now a Sony CD player. I would like to buy an ONKYO CD player and also a tuner. What do you think about DX-6890 or 6870? Or some one can tell me another good model? I would like to be in the same design whit my amplifier. For the tuner I don?t 8217 know what to chose, maybe some one can help me.

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